If you have been listening to my radio show PAWsitive Radio- All things Pets! you likely know how important the topic of supporting animal shelters and rescue organizations is to me. There are many ways to support your local shelters. And it doesn't always involve writing a check.You can volunteer, donate food or other supplies shelters need. We often donate a portion of our booksale proceeds from On Toby's Terms to different shelters and rescue organizations.
Chris Ruben the Founder and CEO of AdoptAShelter.com shared how Adopt A Shelter works. It is a FREE and Easy way for shelters to do fundraising and it is fast! In fact, EVERY time you shop online using AdoptAShelter.com website, you can earn more money for your favorite animal charity. When you shop through AdoptAShelter.com at one of their online retail merchants (the online mall), Adopt-A-Shelter™ is pays a commission. That means that Adopt-A-Shelter™ directs 100% of the donation displayed on AdoptAShelter.com directly to your shelter / organization or your organization of choice. What a fantastic concept. Shopping made easy, and, it supports animal rescues and shelters at the same time.
Listen to internet radio with chammond on Blog Talk Radio
THE PAWsitive Challenge: On the show Chris and I talked about how important it is to get the message out there, share how Adopt a Shelter works and to make sure your local charities are aware, and are registered (it is FREE). So....... my challenge to all my blog readers.
1) share this blog so that others can learn about Adopt A Shelter
2) Visit their Facebook Page and share with your Facebook Friends
3) Share your ideas with me about how to spread the word about Adopt A Shelter- you can post a comment on this blog, or post on our facebook page facebook.com/tobytales We'll send all your responses to Chris and his team at Adopt A Shelter. And, to make it fun, I am going to have a draw. The winner (all submissions will be put in the Doggie Bag for a draw. The winner will receive a copy of Toby's books, and a mention on our radio show and blog)
You can listen to the show at:
Please remember to share the show through Twitter and Facebook, and I'd love for you to become a Follower of the show. Every time I get ten new followers on PAWsitive Radio, I will make a donation to an animal shelter!!! Just go to
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/chammond to followPlease remember to share the show through Twitter and Facebook, and I'd love for you to become a Follower of the show. Every time I get ten new followers on PAWsitive Radio, I will make a donation to an animal shelter!!! Just go to