Sunday, July 10, 2011

An interview with Ken from Trusted Pet Partners

It is so interesting how PAWsitive connections are formed, friendships are built and how small the world really is. Charmaine was introduced to Sharon from Trusted Pet Partners (Santa Barbara) by a colleague. When we were in California on our book tour, there was a huge Pet Expo in Orange County. Guess who Charmaine was able to meet? You got it—Sharon!

They hit it off right away and soon discovered they had much in common, especially when it came to their interest in animals and the incredible impact us furry friends have on people. She thought my story would be perfect for their radio show--- how PAWsome is that?

Recently we had the honour of being interviewed by Ken from Trusted Pet Partners. We so enjoyed the conversation, especially the thought provoking questions he asked. He really got at our story in a powerful way. It is always so interesting for me to hear what people take away from my story and my book On Toby’s Terms.

It’s my mission (yes--- I am a dog on a mission) to make the world a kinder place for animals and humans. I am seeing firsthand (or paw) how kindness can be multiplied. I also know that when people are kind to animals, they can extend that behaviour to people.

Thank you Trusted Pet Partners for helping me spread my PAWsitive message!
To learn more about Trusted Pet Partners, follow

To listen to our PAWtastic radio interview, click here

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